Unveiling the Unconscious Victim Choice: Understanding, Problems, and Solutions

3 min readJun 8, 2023


The human mind is a complex landscape, rich with nuance and diversity. Its facets are numerous and interlaced in such intricate ways that even the most conscious among us can fall into unconscious patterns of behavior. One of these patterns is the ‘Victim Player,’ or the propensity to adopt the ‘victim role’ unconsciously. This article aims to shed light on this psychological behavior, delve into its problems, and propose effective solutions.

Understanding the Unconscious Victim Choice

The unconscious victim choice is a psychological behavior pattern where individuals often see themselves as victims. It is called ‘unconscious’ because these individuals typically don’t realize they are playing this role; it’s a product of their subconscious mind influenced by past experiences and emotional conditioning.

People adopt the victim role for a variety of reasons, often rooted in experiences of childhood trauma or neglect. In these cases, the child learns that being a victim can bring attention, comfort, or avoidance of responsibility, which are perceived as beneficial at the time. Over time, this behavior can evolve into an unconscious pattern that pervades adult life, causing a range of problems.

The Problems with the Unconscious Victim Choice

1. Stunted Personal Growth: Continual adoption of the victim role can impede personal development. Individuals may feel stuck, unable to progress beyond certain emotional and mental states.

2. Unhealthy Relationships: Victim players can develop a dependency on others, expecting them to rescue or console them. This can result in codependent relationships that are harmful to both parties involved.

3. Poor Problem-Solving Skills: People who consistently see themselves as victims might avoid taking responsibility for their actions, leading to weak problem-solving abilities and a lack of resilience in the face of adversity.

4. Depression and Anxiety: The chronic feeling of helplessness can lead to a predisposition towards depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

Solutions to the Unconscious Victim Choice

1. Awareness and Acknowledgment: The first step in overcoming the victim role is recognizing its existence. Self-reflection, perhaps with the aid of therapy, can help individuals identify when and why they slip into this role.

2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT can be instrumental in breaking the victim cycle. It helps individuals identify negative thought patterns and replace them with more positive, empowering thoughts.

3. Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation: Techniques such as mindfulness meditation and yoga can help individuals learn to manage their emotions better, decreasing the impulse to slip into victim behavior.

4. Building Resilience: This involves learning new coping strategies to handle setbacks or hardships, bolstering self-esteem, and promoting personal growth.

5. Seeking Professional Help: A trained psychologist or therapist can help navigate the complex landscape of unconscious behaviors. They can provide a safe space for exploring past traumas and finding effective ways to move beyond them.

To sum up, the unconscious victim choice is a deep-seated psychological pattern that can result in a myriad of problems. However, by cultivating awareness, seeking professional help, employing therapeutic techniques, and building resilience, individuals can break free from the victim role, reclaim their personal power, and chart a course towards healthier, more fulfilling lives.



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